EAA Chapter 409 Minutes April 12, 2015
President Jack Jackson called the regular meeting of the EAA Chapter 409 to order on April 12, 2015 with 17 members and
guests present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Wayne Westberg moved and Ray Wilkes seconded a motion to approve the minutes.
Motion carried. Ray Wilkes gave the treasurers report. Ken Mercer moved and Paul Beck seconded a motion to approve this report.
Motion carried.
New Business: Ray Wilkes announced there are 28 members that have NOT paid their dues. Please do so ASAP.
Announcements: Benny Davis is absent today since he hurt his hand while mowing. Knoxville Airport is closed April 6-July
1 for construction. 75th Ercoupe National Convention July 15-18, 2015 in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Nicholas Beazley Aviation
Museum Open House June 7, 2015, Marshall, Missouri. Mason City Fly Iowa July 25-26, 2015. War Bird Fly-Over in Washington,
D.C. May 8, 2015. Next Meeting on the (first Sunday of the month) May 3, 2015, at Hazel Sig-Hesters Field, Montezuma, Iowa.
Project Reports: Wayne Westberg helped annual a plane.
Gary Fuller flying his Cherokee.
Steve Gourley has not been flying recently.
Paul Beck flew to Florida and hoping to attend Sun and Fun.
Ken Mercer instructing some and doing annuals.
Larry Cofer reported on the NAS Building Project.
Danny Glenn completed bi-annual and still working on his Vagabond.
Dan Quinn working on ailerons and ready to assemble wings for his plane.
Don Parks moved his Ercoupe back to airport and completed bi-annual.
Dave Coop flew in today.
Dick Willetts has been flying his 172 recently got the wings on his plane but has not flown it yet.
Darell Downing has not made progress on his helicopter but been working on Christian Eagle wings.
Janet Westberg and Wayne recently vacationed in Texas.
Les Gaskill got his high altitude endorsement.
Jack Jackson has not been working on his plane.
Ray Wilkes showed a collection of pictures from 2001-2004 of the B-29 restoration at Wichita, Kansas. Some of the work
was brought to Oskaloosa Airport and Hazel Sig-Hesters for our chapter participation in the project.
Ray Wilkes moved and Paul Beck seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried.
Janet Westberg, Secretary
EAA Chapter 409 Minutes – March 9, 2015
President Jack Jackson called the regular meting of the EAA Chapter 409 to order on March 8, 2015 with 24 members and
guests present. He thanked the members of Centerville Airport for hosting the meeting and delicious chili lunch.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Rick Crawford moved and Roger Godfrey seconded a motion to approve the
minutes. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was given. Ken Mercer moved and Roger Godfrey seconded a motion
to approve that report. Motion carried.
Roger Godfrey reported the newsletter by email effectiveness and the saving in expenses. Everyone was reminded to pay
the 2015 dues in order to receive the newsletter.
Announcements: 75th Anniversary Ercoupe National Convention July 15-18, 2015, Sheboygan County Airport, Sheboygan Falls,
Wisconsin. Open House at Nicholas Beazley Aviation Museum, June 7, 2015, Marshall, Missouri.
Project Reports: Cindy Kendall has been helping Benny refurbish wings.
Roger Godfrey plans to do an annual on his plane. He drove his street rod to the meeting today.
Danny Glenn is working on the wings for his Vagabond.
Les Gaskill is finishing his IPC check ride.
Dan Quinn is working on the center section of his Hatz.
Dakota Quinn has done some flying.
Matt Bresch bought into a 4-member Piper Cherokee club and also bought a J3 Kitten.
Ken Mercer has been teaching and working on planes.
Phil George plans to help Benny Davis in the near future.
Steve Gourley got his medical recently and has been flying.
Gary Fuller hasn’t flown recently.
Dick Willetts thanked Benny Davis for work on his plane.
Dave Coop flew today.
Rick Crawford will get wing kit next week for Zenith project.
Wayne Westberg has been flying some.
Loren Steenhoek has not been able to fly recently.
Ron Farnum retired from flying in South America and authored a book about his work called “Wings of Peace”.
Don Parks has been working on his Ercoupe fuselage.
Al Mc Reynolds did an annual on his plane and reported Hazel Sig-Hester is doing well.
Benny Davis is making Christian Eagle parts.
Barb Griswold and Jack Jackson announced they are planning their wedding for June.
Next Chapter Meeting: April 12, 2015, Ottumwa Airport, Ottumwa, Iowa
Al Mc Reynolds moved and Dakota Quinn seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried.
Janet Westberg, Secretary
EAA Chapter 409 Minutes – January 11, 2015
President Jack Jackson called the regular meeting of the EAA Chapter 409 to order on January 11, 2015 with 24 members
and guests present. He thanked the Oskaloosa Airport members for hosting the meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ray Wilkes moved and Barry Lee seconded a motion to approve the
minutes as read. Motion carried. There was no treasurer’s report. Ray Wilkes reported on progress in establishing
new names responsible for the Chapter bank account and removing ones deceased/inactive.
President Jackson reported Hazel Sig-Hester is home recovering from pneumonia and Benny Davis is slowly recovering from
Roger Godfrey reported on problems with the Chapter printer and low ink capacity. Something better is needed. Janet
Westberg questioned sending the newsletter by email, thus reducing the printer and postage costs. A test run on email addresses
will be done soon and a permanent decision made later.
Project Reports: Erik Edgren published an article in IAC Magazine. His son, John, was recently selected for All-State
Band and Iowa Honor Band.
Dakota Quinn is busy with school and helping with Grandpa Dan’s plane.
Les Gaskill has been flying some.
Roger Godfrey moved his plane into Ray Wilkes hanger and got his street rod home after being painted. He is putting the
glass in now.
Ray Wilkes gave his Cougar to Indian Hills Community College.
Steve Mineart hasn’t flown for 5 weeks.
Ken Mercer has been flying with students and doing some mechanic work.
Don Parks took the wings off his plane and moved it to his home to work on this winter.
Darrell Goldman changed fuel injection on his 701.
Dan & Deb Mc Gee’s plane is down for an annual.
Rick Crawford doing some flying and building a 650.
Barry Lee trying to stay warm.
Gary Fuller put a new tire on his plane.
Danny Glenn has his Vagabond wing tore down and working on it.
Jerry Swank busy with snow removal and some shop work.
Dan Quinn working on the center section of his Hatz.
Steve Gourley not flying much.
Jack Jackson has been trying to get a new rib design mapped out for his plane.
Meeting Announcements: Antique Airfield, Blakesburg, Iowa, February 8.
Centerville Airport, Centerville, Iowa, March 8
Dakota Quinn moved and Roger Godfrey seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried.
Janet Westberg, Secretary
EAA Chapter 409 Minutes - October 12, 2014
President Jack Jackson called the regular meeting of the EAA Chapter 409 to order on October 12, 2014 with 27 members
and guests present. He thanked Paul, Nancy and Hilton Beck for hosting the meeting and the delicious meal.
Roger Godfrey moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and Don Flanders seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Paul Beck moved and Dan Mc Gee seconded a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
Next Meeting will be at Knoxville Airport, November 9, 2014 with lunch at l p.m. Our Christmas party will be December
13, 2014, 6 p.m., at Hotel Ottumwa, Ottumwa, Iowa. Notify Janet Westberg, 641-891-0104, by December 10, if you plan to attend.
Project Report: Wayne & Janet Westberg attend Grinnell fly-in.
Terry Brown is harvesting his crops.
Don Flanders is harvesting his crops and worked on combine repairs.
Dan Mc Gee recently flew to Florida and stopped in Kentucky.
Deb Mc Gee took a Soaring Glider Flight while on vacation.
Ken Mercer doing some maintenance and teaching student pilots.
Benny Davis working with Titanium parts.
Steve Gourley flying some.
Rod Stevenson has had poor health but encouraged with recent treatment.
Roger Godfrey not flying much but has street rod about ready to paint. Went on vacation to West Coast.
Danny Glenn working on Vagabond.
Loren Steenhoek has not been flying since September meeting and busy getting ready for winter.
Paul Beck added new sky tech starter on his plane.
Dick Willetts flying J-3 some.
Cindy Kendall working with Benny Davis.
Al Mc Reynolds flying when possible.
Don Parks flying some and helping his son with harvesting crops.
Gary Fuller working on new home.
Hilton Beck recently celebrated his birthday and has been flying some.
Jack Jackson been gone a lot.
Wayne Westberg moved to adjourn and Al Mc Reynolds seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Janet Westberg
Chapter 409 Minutes – May 5, 2013
President Jack Jackson called the regular meeting of the EAA
Chapter 409 to order on May 5, 2013 with 28 plus members and guests
present. He thanked Hazel Sig-Hester for
hosting the meeting and providing the delicious food.
Roger Godfrey moved and Barry Lee seconded a motion to
approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion carried. Wayne Westberg
moved and Ken Mercer seconded a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
Old Business: The
metal plates for deceased member’s plaque are not done.
Announcements: May
30-June 6 Bi-Plane Fly In, Junction City, Kansas
Annual Fresca Fly In, June 14-16, Urbana, Illinois
Chariton Fly In, May 29
Council Bluffs Fly In, June 1
Marshalltown & Boone Fly Ins, June 1
Dennison & Washington Fly Ins, June 2
Spencer & Sioux City Fly Ins, June
Project Reports:
Brent Taylor announced plans for the 60th Anniversary of
Antique Airfield, Aug 28-Sept 2. He
asked if our Chapter would like to help with rides in the EAA Museum owned
Traveler 4000 Airplane, if it comes to
the celebration. He will get more information and present definite plans at a
later date. He is also conditioning his Diamond Plane and hopes to test fly it
Larry Housell, Spring Hill, Florida, was introduced and he
shared interesting flying experiences.
Hazel Sig-Hester has had hip dislocation problems and is on
the mend.
Roger Godfrey has been working on his street rod and ready
to annual his plane.
Rick Larson bought a Double Eagle and finishing it.
Ray Wilkes put a new battery in his plane and ready to get
out of the hangar.
Darrel Goldman needs to annual both of his planes.
Don Parks brought a
video of putting wings on his Ercoupe and test flight.
Ken Mercer got ready to fly his ultra light and had problems
so put back in hangar.
Don Flanders is ready to plant corn and tore an old building
Loren Steenhoek flew a couple of weeks ago and it went good.
Matt Steinke recently flew Grumman Tiger and brought his
Gyrocopter today.
Larry Goodman flew in his Space Walker.
Al Mc Reynolds invited all to Sig Field Summer Hamburger
Nights and introduced several friends.
Phil George has been flying with Benny Davis.
Dick Willetts has his planes ready to fly this week.
Erik Edgren has 5 Air Shows booked for the summer and
announced Sig Manufacturing is making a model of his Clip Wing T-craft.
Mike Gretz helping Brent Taylor.
Benny Davis completed 2nd commissioned wing and
is still trying to get the freight company to reimburse him for damages to
Christian Eagle wings.
Jack Jackson getting ready for planting corn.
Roger Godfey moved and Benny Davis seconded a motion to
adjourn. Motion carried.
Janet Westberg
EAA Chapter
409 Minutes – February 10, 2013
President Jack Jackson called the regular meeting of the EAA
Chapter 409 to order on February 10, 2013 at Antique Airfield with 19 members
and guests present. He thanked the
Taylors for hosting the meeting.
Terry Allred moved and Wayne Westberg seconded a motion to
approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion carried. Terry Allred
moved and Roger Godfrey seconded a motion to approve the treasurer’s
report. Motion carried.
Old Business: Our
plaque honoring deceased members has been received and plates with names are
being printed.
New Business: Chapter
dues were accepted and will need to be paid ASAP in order to continue receiving
Chapter Newsletter. They can be sent to
Benny Davis, 2644 Hwy 2, Corydon, IA
Jack Jackson gave a presentation on his visit to Green Cove,
Florida where he learned about the Jaguar Airplane Dan Weseman is
building. More information at www.FlyCorvair.com and William Wynn.
Project Reports:
Roger Godfrey changed the battery in his plane and is working on his
street rod.
Ray Wilkes removed battery from his plane for the cold
Ken Mercer is doing maintenance and some instruction.
Don Parks working on Ercoupe.
Dan Glenn working on paperwork to transfer recently
purchased Vagabond.
Darrell Dowing completed hangar at his home and is looking
for a Christian Eagle.
Dan & Dakota Quinn working on wing settings for Hatz.
Terry Allred putting new windows in his house.
Wayne Westberg installed a new starter on Cessna 182.
Benny Davis building wing for Christian Eagle and working on
carbon fiber projects.
Jack Jackson has been traveling and bought a band saw.
Terry Allred moved and Ken Mercer seconded a motion to
adjourn. Motion carried.
Janet Westberg,